
Anna Matthews City Living Mom of Five

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Today has had a lovely feature in the Southampton Daily Echo we are touched by the supportive comments of Monique Bateman of the RN & RM Children's Fund. And completely focused on working hard to secure sponsorship to take our project to stage two, secure communication for children affected by deployment.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Back again

I have been a really bad blogger but here i am back again. Lots and lots has happened since Elizabeth's birthday lets do a list

1) Mr M has been away toooo much
2) We have celebrated Easter and eaten tooo much chocolate
3) We have met Jim Knight former MP
4) We have met John Denham former MP
5) We have met Bob Ainsworth former MP
6) We are still working hard
7) We have been thrifty
8) we have cool camped twice
9) I have started a twitter account
10)I have rediscovered a letter from my sister-in-law that made me feel she was right here
11)An election has been called
12)John and i have cooked a Storm at Play Radio
13)We have drunk lots of coffee
14)We have popped lots of popcorn
15)We have enjoyed the sunshine
16)We have grown two lovely sunflower plants from seed
17)We have sewn bunting
18)We have had long telephone conversations with friends
19)We have been to party's
20)We have had play dates
21)We have been on bike rides
22)We have eaten ice-cream
23)We have been invited to a wedding
24)We have worn a big flower every day
25)We have laughed
26)We have cried
27)We have been naughty (even me)
28)We have tried to be kind
29)We have kissed
30)We have slept

We are happy to be alive

Saturday 20 March 2010

Elizabeth is 8

Yesterday Elizabeth reached the grand age of eight we had a themed party Cowboy/cowgirl party it was fab. And here is why

1)We had the party at home
2)Mr M cooked on the barbecue veggie sausages and burgers
3)All the children dressed up in checked shirts and denim they looked fab
4)Elizabeth has really nice friends
5)Our autistic neighbour came too and he had a lovely time playing up stairs in the quiet but very occasionally coming downstairs to join in
6)I got to sing 9-5 very loud five times
7)Mr M and i got so tired that i was asleep before the little people
8)Elizabeth has the sweetest card written to her and this is what it said ( and how it was spelt)
cant wait for tomurrow
Best friend ever had yet!In year 3 ( heart picture,! *) you are eight

After five children and lots of party's i really really do believe that the best best party's are at home and homespun.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Spring is here

Is it it me or has spring arrived it is so good.Today i have planted a few tubs of spring flowers, washing is drying outside on the roof terrace,children are playing in the garden this is the life!!!!! And tonight Mr M is cooking tea outside on the barbecue how great is that.

Other Matthews news Alex, is getting soooo good at writing that he was able to write the following for Elizabeth birthday card 'Elizabeth is a pig' written very nicely but i don't think so.

Things i am really enjoying this week
1) working on my project
2) sewing
3) baking for Elizabeths party
4) celebrating cowboys and cowgirls the theme of Elizabeths party
5) enjoying Mr M no nights out this week hurrah

Saturday 13 March 2010

In bed with my lovers

Its Saturday morning and i am in bed with my lovers. Lover one is my laptop who is on top of my covers, and lover two i am gazing at it is my sewing machine. You will be glad to know Mr M is sat up in bed with his love ( the laptop.)What is Mr M doing with his lover looking at his dumps on line seeing how much gas they are generating.

I love Saturday morning because i become a slummy mummy throw cereal at the children put the television on, go back up to my nest (bed) with a big pot of coffee.

Friday 12 March 2010

The witch

Today over breakfast Elizabeth started and the temperature in the house got hot hot hot and she would not stop stop stop.We then became late not helped by the fact that Seren wanted to take a pushchair with a witch so we piled into the car arriving very late.We then got to drop off one with me shouting 'come on we are late!!!!!!' at that point i fell over the pushchair and landed on my bottom in the road.

Now all are at school and i am going to take it real slow with a strong cup of coffee and give thanks for school because i can

1) have a coffee
2) go to the loo in peace
3) have a meeting about our project
4) be still
5) just be me

I love my family but sometimes i want to just be me

Wednesday 10 March 2010


Today's thought for the day on Radio 2 was courage. Which started me thinking what is courage it can be

1) fighting for your country
2) political
3) religious
4) illness
5) trying something new

My brother has great courage and strength he made the decision to support the doctors in allowing my sister-in-law to float into heaven. That took great courage.

Russell then spoke in front of family and friends about Elizabeth and how much he loved her. Again great courage.

Six months on he is starting a new life going on holiday catching up with old friends. I am very proud of my brother because throughout his thirty's he has shown a courage i don't believe i have